Hello dear followers,
I have decided to contiue blogging again. Or starting over. But since this blog is very old and also registred under an old e-mail adress, I am going to start it on a new account.
I haven't gotten up with a name yet, but I am filled with lots of ideas. And so thrilled to start again. Eventhough I have probably lost 75% of my followers haha and I think even a few of them still left will forget to move to my new blog.
BUT I am going to start again. So stay tuned to hear all about my new blog, because when it will be up I will put the link here and hopefully just even a few of you would like to follow me again.
Oh and one question left: would you prefer if I blog in english or dutch? I know most of you guys are from here (the Netherlands), but I just love english. Well, in the end I could always switch it up. But let me know please!
Wat leuk! Ik volgde je vroeger al, maar toen heb ik een tijdje niks met blogs gedaan en ben er nu zelf 1 begonnen. Lijkt me leuk als je een nieuwe gaat beginnen, wil het graag horen als je ermee bent begonnen. Engels lijkt me trouwens erg leuk! Liefs,